MDavis Inc

Helping Our Local Communities Thrive and Grow

M. Davis & Sons has 150 years in business in Delaware, and recognizes the importance of fostering good corporate citizenship. We are proud to work with local schools and non-profit organizations to improve our communities.

The support of local vocational schools and technical high schools is seen as particularly important because these students not only provide our organization with future team members, but their knowledge and growing experience in skilled trades will build the future of our country. We lend our knowledge of the trades to these schools, supporting their career days and individual trade classrooms with supplies, speakers, and training. This level of support carries over into the community colleges and skills centers because we know that reaching out during a person’s education process and providing guidance, and builds a better community for everyone.

Children learning about M. Davis at a career fair
New Castle County VoTech Students gathered in a group

M. Davis supports a multitude of non-profit organizations by means of sponsorships, event participation, and holding leadership seats on various boards/committees.

Through our CEO’s board seat with Brandywine Valley SPCA, our team members see her example of selfless service. By fostering a culture of support, our team members help generate positive assistance for local non-profit communities. Whether fabricating specialized steering for adaptive bikes for children with disabilities, to simply donating back to school supplies for underserved populations, our team reaches many. From supporting the Armed Forces of the USA with holiday donations to supporting engineering students in STEM programs, we provide our time and dollars to advance our local community.